Committed To Accessible Health

A new way for patients to choose healthcare providers enabling people without benefits to get services for free.



The fact is that many honest and hard working Canadians don’t have medical benefits. Vitruvio allows people with benefits to help those without at no cost.

How It Works

We all have a role to play in making our healthcare system work for everyone

One of the pharmacies in your community commits to accessible health by registering with Vitruvio. They have set a goal to reach in order to be able to give a prescription away for free.

You and your family choose this pharmacy because you want to help make healthcare accessible. You submit your prescription to this pharmacy to help them reach their target.

Your neighbour needs to fill a prescription but doesn't have any benefits and can't afford it. They see that the pharmacy has achieved its target and has a free prescription available for them. They submit their prescription and get their medicine for free.

Your choice to use this pharmacy has supported them and allowed them to make their service more accessible to your neighbour who can't afford them.

One of the pharmacies in your community commits to accessible health by registering with Vitruvio. They have set a goal to reach in order to be able to give a prescription away for free.

You and your family choose this pharmacy because you want to help make healthcare accessible. You submit your prescription to this pharmacy to help them reach their target.

Your neighbour needs to fill a prescription but doesn't have any benefits and can't afford it. They see that the pharmacy has achieved its target and has a free prescription available for them. They submit their prescription and get their medicine for free.

Your choice to use this pharmacy has supported them and allowed them to make their service more accessible to your neighbour who can't afford their medicines.

Healthcare Providers

We know you care about your patients and do everything you can to make your products and services available to those who struggle to afford it. Sliding scale payment, free medications, pro bono services – we know you do all of it.

We believe you should be recognized for the efforts you make to provide your services to those marginalized people.

Vitruvio was made for you.


Patients with benefits
Did you know you could help someone get their medicine for free just by taking yours? If you knew you could help them get access to free physiotherapy by using your physiotherapy benefits on yourself, would you help?

Patients without benefits
Are you in a job without benefits, an entrepreneur, a contract worker? Do you need help?

Vitruvio was made for you.

Do You Believe Healthcare
Services Should Be More Accessible?

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